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m2eclipse Turns Heads at the Stockholm JUG!

Written by Jason van Zyl | November 11, 2008

One of the users on the [m2eclipse][m2e] user list has some great feedback about a presentation he did at the [Stockholm JUG][sjug] on the best of breed [Maven][maven] tooling which includes [Nexus][nexus] and [m2eclipse][m2e]. Apparently people are impressed with the Maven support inside [m2eclipse][m2e] which is good to here given the considerable amount of effort Sonatype has invested in m2eclipse to take it to the next level of quality. Here's what Anders Hammar has to say:


About a month ago I did a talk about core Maven things here at our local
JUG in Stockholm, Sweden. m2eclipse wasn't the main focus of the talk,
but I did use it for some examples. Mainly what was used was the pom
editor and the Nexus indexes.

Even though I think the actual topics of my talk are highly interesting,
most of the questions afterwards were regarding "the plugins I used in
Eclipse". Not only did some people think I hade created my own best of
breed mixture, but also were a lot of people very impressed of the
actual Maven support. I spoke to some people who had looked at Eclipse
support some time ago (6 months - a year) but had then found it very
poor. These people said that they would have a look at m2eclipse again
now after my talk.

So, thanks and keep up the great job!


Thanks for the great feedback Anders. I think it's good to see users' sharing their experiences about [m2eclipse][m2e] and [Nexus][nexus] because it does make the choice for the next set of users much easier.
