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OpenDocument Java API Project Switches from Ant to Maven

Written by Tim OBrien | July 22, 2009

ODFDOM, the OpenDocument Java API, has been released. You can read more about the project release here. From the site:
"ODFDOM is an Apache 2 licensed Java library to easily create, access and manipulate ODF documents." What's interesting about this particular software release is the switch from Ant to Maven. Here's the quote that caught my attention.

Last but not least, with the support by Benson Margulies, we were able to switch our build environment from ANT to Maven. By using Maven we made our dependencies declarative. We no longer add dependent JARs to our sources (e.g. the parser XercesImpl.jar), but are able to download them via Maven [Central] on demand. Following this idea of modularization, we were able to simplify the source structure of ODFDOM by moving our code-generation to a [new] project called relaxng2template.