Mike Hoskins

UNIX geek. DevOps practitioner. Security advocate. Lifetime learner. Connect at github.com/deadlysyn, gitlab.com/deadlysyn, or https://blog.devopsdreams.io/

Comparing npm Audit Versus AuditJS

By Mike Hoskins on April 03, 2020 AppSec

6 minute read time

AuditJS is a free tool leveraging Sonatype's OSS Index. OSSI exposes a ReST API aggregating several security vulnerability feeds including CVE, CWE and NVD.

Beyond npm Audit to Traverse an Increasingly Complex Dependency Tree

By Mike Hoskins on March 04, 2020 npm

5 minute read time

Building good hygiene habits as part of our development practice helps the community at large. Here's how to use Nexus Repository OSS as part of it.