Phil Vuollet

Phil Vuollet uses software to automate processes to improve efficiency and repeatability. He writes about topics relevant to technology and business, occasionally gives talks on the same topics, and is a family man who enjoys playing soccer and board games with his children.

Breaking organizational silos for better application security

By Phil Vuollet on July 08, 2021 AppSec

4 minute read time

Security depends on collaboration and communication. Our recent Elevate talk breaks down pillars, structure, and suggestions for organizational silos.

Kubernetes containers a boon for developers

By Phil Vuollet on July 15, 2020 devsecops

3 minute read time

Kubernetes helps to automate deploying, scaling, and managing multiple containers. It is the most popular container orchestration system in use right now.

There's No Nice Way to Say This: Your DevOps Has Gone Horribly Wrong

By Phil Vuollet on April 15, 2020 devsecops

2 minute read time

DevOps enables teams to go faster. However, it doesn’t guarantee a desirable outcome. Communication is still extremely important.