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Sonatype Nexus Installation Using Docker

Written by Rajesh Kumar | February 10, 2017
1. Download the Docker image using following commands..
# docker pull sonatype/nexus


2. Build an image from a Nexus Dockerfile# docker build –rm –tag sonatype/nexus oss/

# docker build –rm –tag sonatype/nexus-pro pro/ (For Pro)


3. To run (if port 8081 is open on your host):
# docker run -d -p 8081:8081 –name nexus sonatype/nexus:oss
or to assign a random port that maps to port 8081 on the container:
# docker run -d -p 8081 –name nexus sonatype/nexus


4. To determine the port that the container is listening on:
# docker ps nexus


5. To test:
# curl http://localhost:8081/service/local/status


1. Default credentials are: admin / admin123


2. It can take some time (2-3 minutes) for the service to launch in a new container. You can tail the log to determine once Nexus is ready:
# docker logs -f nexus


3. Installation of Nexus is to /opt/sonatype/nexus. Notably: /opt/sonatype/nexus/conf/ is the properties file.Parameters (nexus-work and nexus-webapp-context-path) definied here are overridden in the JVM invocation.


4. A persistent directory, /sonatype-work, is used for configuration, logs, and storage. This directory needs to be writable by the Nexus process, which runs as UID 200.


5. Four environment variables can be used to control the JVM arguments
CONTEXT_PATH, passed as -Dnexus-webapp-context-path. This is used to define the
URL which Nexus is accessed.
MAX_HEAP, passed as -Xmx. Defaults to 768m.
MIN_HEAP, passed as -Xms. Defaults to 256m.
JAVA_OPTS. Additional options can be passed to the JVM via this variable.
Default: -server -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
LAUNCHER_CONF. A list of configuration files supplied to the
Nexus bootstrap launcher. Default: ./conf/jetty.xml ./conf/jetty-requestlog.xml


6. These can be used supplied at runtime to control the JVM:


# docker run -d -p 8081:8081 –name nexus -e MAX_HEAP=768m sonatype/nexus
