Getting Your Security Program to Shift Left: Operationalizing Security Controls via DevSecOps

By Daniel Longest on May 21, 2020 shift left

3 minute read time

Map the automation opportunities into your software development lifecycle as part of coordinated strategies to shift security left.

Why You Need a Software Bill of Materials More Than Ever

By Katie McCaskey on December 05, 2019 software bill of materials

5 minute read time

Enterprises need to know what open source components are in their software at all times. If you don't have a software bill of materials, you're already behind.

Why Does Security Matter For DevOps?

By Derek Weeks on October 01, 2019 security

4 minute read time

Caroline Wong (@CarolineWMWong) explains why organizations that use DevOps are 2X more likely to succeed than peers.

The Three R’s of Software Supply Chains: Reject, Replace, and Respond

By Curtis Yanko on September 09, 2019 devops best practices

7 minute read time

OWASP A9 has been around for over 6 years now. These three R's helps enterprise security manage their software supply chains: Reject, Replace, Respond.