Mohamed Labouardy

Mohamed is Software Engineer/DevOps at InterCloud. Interested in AWS, Docker, Android, Go & ChatOps. A contributor to numerous open-source projects including Telegraf, DialogFlow, Docker ... He is currently writing a book on Serverless architecture in AWS, blogs at You can reach him on Twitter @mlabouardy

How-To Deploy a Private Docker Registry on Google Cloud Platform with Nexus

By Mohamed Labouardy on January 08, 2019 Nexus OSS

4 minute read time

Mohamed Labouardy shares a step-by-step guide on how to deploy Sonatype Nexus OSS 3 on Google Cloud Platform and how to create a private Docker hosted.

How to Deploy a Jenkins Cluster on AWS as Part of a Fully Automate CI/CD Platform

By Mohamed Labouardy on November 05, 2018 jenkins

11 minute read time

Following his Nexus User Conference talk on how to build a fully automated CI/CD platform on AWS, using Terraform, Packer & Ansible, Mohamed Labouardy goes.

Build a Highly Available Docker Registry on AWS with Nexus

By Mohamed Labouardy on January 04, 2018 Docker

11 minute read time

How to build a highly available and resilient Docker Repository to store your Docker Images

Cleanup Old Docker Images from Sonatype Nexus Repository

By Mohamed Labouardy on January 02, 2018 github

4 minute read time

I built a Sonatype Nexus CLI which uses Docker Registry API to purge Docker images and keep the last X images and delete all other. Here's how I did it.